ETIRA Certification label

The certified mark will differentiate remanufactured Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) cartridges from new OEM and non-OEM newbuilds.
The certification initiative aims to raise the profile of remanufactured products produced by ETIRA members and eliminate confusion about which cartridges offer a very good environmental performance and those which are widely compatible with poor environmental credentials.
The label is limited to ETIRA members through a qualification process and license agreement, meaning the remanufacturer will be able to apply the certification mark not only to their own brand of cartridges, but any brand of cartridges they have produced for a third party that complies with the license requirements.
Javier Martinez, president of ETIRA, said: “Our current ETIRA logo is a collective mark, not a certification mark, which means it currently signifies that a good or service originates from a member of a particular association.
ETIRA Certification Label Videos
ETIRA Certification Mark brochures for download
To download the PDF brochure click on the relevant image below.
Download members press release template
For members that have gained the ETIRA certification label, to help you announce this to your local media contacts we have put together a press release template.
Frequently Asked Questions about the new ETIRA certification label
“However, the certification mark aims to certify that a good or a service complies with specific quality standards irrespective of their origin. These standards include permitted materials, manufacturing methods and service performances.
Following the launch of the new ETIRA certification label, we’ve compiled a series of FAQs to answer any questions our members or the wider industry may have.
If the FAQs below don’t answer your query, please get in touch via
- Who is the new certification label for?
Our new certification label is for ETIRA members to use on their remanufactured cartridges. It provides customers with assurance that the cartridge they are purchasing is a remanufactured OEM cartridge that has been correctly placed on the market and remanufactured by an ETIRA member company.
- What is the purpose of the label?
To differentiate between all of the offerings on the market and confirm it is a genuine remanufactured OEM cartridge, produced by an ETIRA member.
- My company already uses the ETIRA logo – do I really need both?
Yes, the logo identifies you as an ETIRA member. The certification label is an extra for members to identify their products as remanufactured OEM cartridges, produced by an ETIRA member.
- How can my company start using the label? The certification labels are available now for ETIRA members, with many using the label already. Interested members should contact the ETIRA secretariat on to sign the terms of use for the label and place your order.
- Does the certification need to be renewed? If so, what’s the process?
Once you have signed the terms of use for the label, you can continue to use the certification as you wish. When you run out, just order more.
- Is there a fee to use the certification?
The only fees are your ETIRA membership and the cost of the labels.
- How will you be ensuring companies that use the label meet the certification requirements? The ETIRA logo is trademarked and licensed to ETIRA members only. Each label contains a number of security features, so we can always identify the producer and ensure they are meeting the programme requirements.
- How does this label differ from other industry certifications? It is unique to ETIRA and identifies our members and their products in the marketplace. The label is exclusive to ETIRA members only.
- You say the certification label will help customers distinguish between printing cartridges that are better for the environment than others. What is the process you will be using to assess this? Each member agrees to follow the agreed process for the selection and remanufacturing of the cartridge and the correct recycling of all waste biproducts.
- What else do I get if I become a member of ETIRA? ETIRA speaks for the wider industry and actively lobbies and campaigns on behalf members to promote reuse across the imaging channels. As a member you contribute to the message and work of ETIRA, and you are at the forefront of the imaging market, leading by example and standing out from the following crowd. COVID permitting, we also organise several networking and social events each year.